Life without Purpose is Not the Truth, So Embrace Your Truth

Life without purpose is like a ship without a sail (Barrett, T.L., 1971). You cannot reach your “lifetime truth” destination unless you are breathing and navigating your purpose. So what is the meaning of purpose?

According to Merriam-Webster, purpose is defined as 1) something set up as an object or end to be attained INTENTION; 2) a subject under discussion or an action in course of execution (on purpose, by intent INTENTIONALLY).

If you are living your life with no intent, what are you living to attain? What is your lifetime truth? What makes you execute? I state that one of my life mantras is “if you love living, life will love you back.” So, loving life is the first step of the process.

This is another concept of reciprocity as mentioned in my post “Surround Yourself with People Who Get It, Right?”

To me, we all have passions embedded in us, so why go through life despondent and confined with intent?

Don’t be Afraid of Living Life on Purpose

As the definition states, purpose is an action in course of execution. For me, this means living your purpose of intent.

As an example, my truth for this site began as a segue to live the drives of my heart’s desires. To live my lifetime truth without restrictions.

The prime intent of my journey is a script of truth and lifetime substance. However, I will admit that although self-actualization has been good, I am somewhat concerned of the voyage. Why? Because it is a new platform and description of life that is new to me.

My background is a steady corporate America income on a consistent basis, and online “business” is newfangled with uncertainty.

Does this mean that I should give up my determination for lifetime truth? The answer is no. Instead, I often remind myself that the ““Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself” – Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Embrace your Truth

As I transition to embrace my truth, passion and purpose, I try very hard not to allow my fear to play a role in the process. I find myself thinking of the birds and the bees and how they survive life without climbing the corporate ladder.

What is there existence truth?

Confirmed by my cousin Dom in a conversation on March 8, 2020 in a conversation not related to this post dated 7 months ago #butGod

Thus, I move on with my desire and determination to live my truth and share beliefs that I am passionate about which are wholeheartedly embedded as a substance of my life.

Picture of sidewalk with the words "passion led us here" written on it. Two people are standing below the words showing shoes and legs only.

Be More Productive in Life

As researched by Lisa Lai in the journal “Managing When the Future is Unclear” (HBR, 2019 Jan 09), strategic uncertainty can feel like slogging through mud. Leaders avoid investments. Decisions are deferred. Resources are frozen. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt drive bad behavior and personal agendas. 

She goes on to say that, even so, companies often succeed or fail based on their managers’ ability to move the organization forward precisely at times when the path ahead is hazy…. In the meantime, be productive

Although the HBR journal relates to managing an organization, for me it applies to living life on purpose such that we are our own organization. In other words, we must move our life purpose forward, especially when the deduction is unclear. So, for me, the same rules of the journal apply to myself as my own organization.

“My mind, body and soul are the employees and the team.”

Living life on purpose photo depicting the outcome of life is good!

Moreover, the journal speaks to delivering value and focusing on what you can control; take pragmatic action; embrace short-term strategies, a discrete set of priorities; and cultivating emotional steadiness. For me, all of these elements are reasonable inside of my own organization.


You cannot execute your lifetime truth with a life without purpose. It is more encouraging and fulfilling to live life in pursuit of your passion and embracing your truth. Function your life as your own organization and remember to stay productive in the execution.

Also, this is not a drive to quit your day job, because you can execute your passion as a volunteer, a side hustle or even on the job, employing your truth. Whatever you do and how you do it, just remember to “do it” (execute) and “do it” (execute) with intent.

