An Excel Workbook is a Collection of Intelligence

While scripting on Microsoft Excel, I continue to run across interesting Microsoft Excel articles. A prime focus for this post is an Excel workbook as a collection of intelligence this future and beyond.

This is my way of referring to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines or more specifically, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its integration with Excel.

Microsoft Excel Future

Jared Spataro, Corporate Vice President for Microsoft 365, mentions in his “Bringing AI to Excel” articled published September 24, 2018, that Excel’s power comes from its simplicity. He further states that:

“At its core, Excel is three things: 1) cells of data laid out in rows and columns, 2) a powerful calculation engine, and 3) a set of tools for working with the data…”

Jared’s article announces four new artificial intelligence (AI) features that make Excel an even bigger powerhouse. For example, long gone are the days of manual data entry with the insert data from picture feature.

So far, this is the most fascinating development to me.

Woman at desk wearing glasses with a cup of pencils looking at a laptop with one pencil in her mouth.

The four AI features are named 1) Ideas; 2) New Data Types; 3) Insert Data from Picture; and 4) Dynamic Arrays.

AI Feature #1: Ideas

Ideas is an AI-powered insights service and I have experienced it in PowerPoint. For example, the feature will make layout suggestions when a picture is added to a slide in PPT.

In Excel, the feature will analyze your data and show recommended charts, pivot tables, etc. It can be found on the far right of the home menu if suggestions are not automatically shown while creating a spreadsheet, or building a data or pivot table.

AI Feature #2: New Data Types

The New Data Types AI-powered capability turns a single, flat piece of text into an interactive entity containing layers of rich information.

I refer to this feature in my last post “Benefits of Microsoft Excel Today” because I found it useful in my finance class earlier this year.

The prime feature for this new AI capability is the stocks and geography menu found under the data tab.

AI Feature #3: Insert Data from Picture

With the Insert Data from Picture AI feature, you can take a picture of a printed/hard copy data table or sheet with your phone and new image recognition functionality automatically converts the picture to an editable table in Excel.

“I am so glad that I have an Android device so that I can try this feature! Let’s see if it works..”

And it worked! I am pretty impressed although for such a small table there were a lot of edits to review before the complete conversion.

Update: Jared’s article refers to Android device, but it looks like any phone device with the MS Excel app will work.

However, overall this is not a bad feature… I can see where it would be very useful, not perfect, but useful. Next stop, hard copy Word docs and PDF files transformed into editable texts with a pic?

AI Feature #4: Dynamic Arrays

For the Dynamic Arrays AI feature it states that you can harness the power of dynamic arrays by using one of the new FILTER, UNIQUE, SORT, SORTBY, SEQUENCE, SINGLE, and RANDARRAY functions to build spreadsheets that would previously have been nearly impossible.

I just watched the video on the sort, unique and filter functions for dynamic arrays and I like all of them with the exception of the sort function. My preference for now is the legacy sort function.

The best useful dynamic arrays function for me is the UNIQUE function.


At the end of the day, how to become an Excel expert can be challenging yet fun. If you are anything like me, learning new features in Excel is like a box of chocolates… you never know its next capability, this future and beyond.

Accordingly, it is essential to stay well-informed of artificial intelligence developments in programs that you love and work you employ.

Read a great article on AI and the Future of Jobs.

“The better informed, the better your AI transition because AI is no longer coming – it is here!”

What has been or is your AI experience with Excel or other current software? I would love to hear your thoughts on AI as it relates this future and beyond.

