LifetimeTruth for Business

As always, let’s start with the definition of business. As defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary which should be your most trusted source for definitions, the word business has a variety of meanings and interpretations.

For the purpose of this writing, the related definition is dealings or transactions especially of an economic nature. Another meaningful and related definition is serious activity requiring time and effort and usually the avoidance of distractions.

BUSINESS may be an inclusive term but specifically designates the activities of those engaged in the purchase or sale of commodities or in related financial transactions. As an Accountant, I know that accounting is the language of business.

To be effective and efficient in any business, you should operate with a goal and purpose to delivery a quality service. This can be hard to accomplish in our current way of life or it can be more seamless with the right tools.

Four (4) Best Tools for Business

  1. Ignition, formerly Practice Ignition is the #1 software for my business and I would not trade it for the world. With this software there is no need for an A/R department.
  1. The unmatched payroll software of all time is Gusto, end of story. As a seasoned accounting professional with many years of experience, Gusto is prime.
  1. If you want to influence the people, we recommend Kajabi for online business.
  1. QuickBooks is the only way to go and each platform of the other platforms integrate seamlessly with this accounting software. Kajabi is a slight exception as transactions.

With so many resources available with claims of helping you conduct business effectively, you should be careful not to use too many tools. For example, it does not take a lifetime of tools and software to be administrative efficient in your business.

For me, I have found four (4) simple and easy to use software to advance business goals and accomplishments at my accounting firm.

Our bonus software is Melio for free bill payments through QuickBooks–a must have! Contact our best business expert to help you get started with any software.

Best Artificial Intelligence Software List

I ran across interesting information on the best artificial intelligence software and I thought that I would share it with you.

“Truth in learning will help improve your quality of life..”

AI and Excel are mentioned in my last post, but Excel is not listed in the data I found for best artificial intelligence software. However, I am going to share the information anyway.

Continue reading Best Artificial Intelligence Software List

An Excel Workbook is a Collection of Intelligence

While scripting on Microsoft Excel, I continue to run across interesting Microsoft Excel articles. A prime focus for this post is an Excel workbook as a collection of intelligence this future and beyond.

This is my way of referring to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines or more specifically, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its integration with Excel.

Continue reading An Excel Workbook is a Collection of Intelligence

Benefits of Microsoft Excel

Excel is a powerhouse as stated in my last post and there are countless benefits of Microsoft Excel today.

For me, Excel is and has always been the cornerstone for spreadsheet formation. So I created an information sheet to showcase some of its prime benefits that I consistently rely on.

Continue reading Benefits of Microsoft Excel

How to Become an Excel Expert

I was certified as a Microsoft Excel Expert in 2013. However, I did not pass the exam the first time because I thought that I knew everything Excel inside and out. As a result, I took the exam unstudied.

Due to my “non-passing” experience, I now know how to become an Excel Expert. Obviously, the first step is to study for the exam.

Continue reading How to Become an Excel Expert